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Birthing Purpose

Updated: Jan 9, 2021

I've only had the blessing of one live full term birth, but I will never forget the experiences of pregnancy, labor, delivery, and those scary early weeks at home with the new bundle. By the time my baby was born, it felt like I'd been pregnant way too long. The doctors bounced my due date around quite a bit, and family members rooted for days on the November calendar like a football pool, so much so that when week after week passed, miseries grew. The more pregnant you are, the more of your own life you seem to give up. You can't eat the same way, can't sleep, can't go too far from a bathroom - the coming person is already taking over!

In a month that only has 30 days, my beautiful girl did not arrive until November 29th. I’d been expecting her since about Nov. 5th…pregnant with her since early March…believing for her since before even that. I wonder how the Lord felt, since Jeremiah reports He knows us before we are formed in the womb (Jer. 1:5) and He had spoken of her to me long before I’d ever even married. Of course it just seemed like it took forever to finally have her here!!

My days as a stay at home mom led to the birth of another passion, a children’s television program called Kids Like You, and there’s a whole sequence of stories to share how that happened. But as with that and many other ventures since, I’ve learned to recognize that feeling – the one you have when you really want to give birth to something you’ve carried so long. Sometimes it feels like we’ve carried a vision, a dream, so long that it ceases to even seem real until it pokes you in the ribs again. Don’t let it go. Let that dream keep living, taking on shape. It’s beautiful details are forming, and you will surely give it birth.

Trust the Father who made you, will bear, carry, even deliver you (Isa. 46:4). He who created the concepts of seed, time, & harvest will perfect that which concerns you, and is well able to bring your new life, your new purpose into the light of day. Words to the Wise:

Talk to God, consult His Word & Holy Spirit about every detail just like you would your doctor, then do what He says! Qualify the people you share with. You don't need anyone's unbelief or shipwreck stories during fragile stages of development. Wait for it. Patience isn't usually the fruit we want to grow, but it is the one connected with something perfect and entire, wanting nothing (James 1:4). Baby Step it. Yeah, it's What About Bob 101, but a scriptural truth, Little by little, increase comes, and In all labor there is profit (Prov.14:23). These are the things that season us as believers, as parents, as leaders.

Know this - the day of delivery comes! The intimate connection you have in Him will create new life, vision, and purpose to shine in your world, and the advent of your God-dream will bring joy all around! Proverbs 13:12...when desire comes, it is a tree of life.

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