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The heart of our journey starts in Israel.

From Abraham's Well in Beersheva to the streets of Jerusalem, the missional heart of God calls out to man from a land promised to His friend's descendants. Based on biblical injunctions, we will always focus on projects that build and strengthen the Land & People of the Book.



Partnering with Jewish Federation of Arkansas and Jewish National Fund USA/Resilience Campaign, we will continue to fund local communities with food, housing solutions, and other immediate needs for families in Israel's South where we have worked for several years.  Our partners in the Central Arava and Eilot are handling crisis-level care for evacuees, and we attend frequent briefings to stay connected to situations in real time.

Gan B'Shalom - the Garden of Peace

Located in biblical Judea in the environs of Jerusalem, we partnered with a local community to plant a garden of fruit and olive trees, herbs, flowers, a rest area with pergola, all while teaching kids and youth some of the dynamics of Israeli farming & drip irrigation.  Breaking ground in November 2020, residents, leaders, business partners, families, and youth worked together to complete this amazing area before the Shemita year began. Since that time, we continue to provide funds for vineyards, gates, and upkeep.  


Israel's Southern Desert

Red Mountain Therapeutic Riding Center

From our first visit to Kibbutz Grofit in the extreme South of Israel, just miles from the shores of the Red Sea, we were touched by the Israeli commitment to its most vulnerable, the population of children needing therapies for a host of stress disorders and other physical needs.  Children on autistic spectrum, with cerebral palsy and other various needs, as well as "Special in Uniform" IDF soldiers are helped for here.  Horses & therapists work closely together to help children in a number of life-changing ways.  We partnered with Jewish Federation of Arkansas and Jewish National Fund to pay for a needed bomb shelter, then added a beautiful respite garden and play around, connecting the fortified classroom to the closest building.  Another place of Shalom!

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From the US South, Arkansas-based Commission Fields not only touches Southern Israel, but also the south of India!  Our partners have helped build up the facilities and staffing for a community preschool and elementary school near Kolar Gold Fields, where boys and girls are outfitted with shoes and uniforms, school supplies, nutritious snacks, milk, and of course, equipped with an education!  Many in this area would not otherwise be able to attend school.

We also cover annual accreditation and other fees, as well as helping pastors' conferences, children's ministry, widows' care, community-wide meals, and construction needs for the Teach the Word to the Nations Bible Training Center.  Pastoral leaders there also man acreage for farming, and have visited Israel for encouragement and exposure to Israeli farming ingenuity.

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