Local Missions
"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." - James 1:27

The Widows' MIGHT
Designed primarily for widows of all ages, CF hosts monthly meetings for women in support of one another with practical teaching and spiritual encouragement through our shared life experiences. Outings, field trips to Second Chance Ranch, luncheons, and holiday gatherings strengthen women in an uplifting community. The group name is a play on words from "the widow's mite" account in Luke 21, pointing towards our increasing might as we lean on Almighty God & Father.
Second Chance Youth Ranch
Located in a wooded setting off Hwy 298, Second Chance Youth Ranch (2CYR) is a community of foster homes and placement agency that provides training, support, and resources for foster families of sibling groups. Additional homes in the local communities provide therapeutic foster homes and respite care.
Commission Fields' partners with 2CYR weekly television in guest scheduling & production, as our contribution in raising awareness for fostering & adoption in our state. Thousands of children in Arkansas await placement in safe homes, and several hundred await adoption by a forever family.