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To India, With Love.

As we begin our journey to India tomorrow I wanted to take a moment to thank a few of our partners that have sown so intentionally into our beloved brothers and sisters in India. These individuals are not just partners, but friends as well, and their ministries are so rich with love for the nations. Not only do I want to honor the blessings they have poured into India and Commission Fields, but I want you to also have an opportunity to pour into, as well as receive from their ministries!

Pampered Scents and Songbird Native Missions:

Valerie Brown is the owner and product designer of Pampered Scents and Songbird Native Missions, Valerie has partnered with Commission Fields to send sweet scents to our friends in India! Through her hard labor and generosity, all our teachers, pastors, and friends are receiving hand-made all natural (and beneficial!) soaps. This gift is undoubtedly seed sown that I am believing will bring her harvest for her women's conferences among Native Americans in various parts of our country.

Valerie’s story is incredible. She helps teach women how to make all-natural products for the home (at great savings to their personal budgets!) while sharing biblical principles on each person’s inherent value and unique gifting. In the process of doing pouring into these women, she received a massive shipment donated to her organization of thousands of broken pieces of soap! The way in which she ‘adds the fire’ and reconditions all the broken pieces into beautiful, scented new gift soaps is not just an incredible gift that she has within her, but also a beautiful example of what Christ does in us; taking our broken pieces, and reconditioning and restoring them into something new and beautiful. Valerie ministers this redemption to others so beautifully! Thank you Songbird Native Missions and Pampered Scents for co-missioning in this field with us!

The Jewish Federation of Arkansas and Red Mountain Therapeutic Riding Center:

It has been such an honor and privilege to partner with the Jewish Federation of Arkansas, seeing the precious and powerful relationship that God has built between Israel and India has been nothing short of a privilege to witness, much less to be a small part of it! JFAR has partnered with Red Mountain Therapeutic Riding Center, a ministry that Commission Fields is honored to support by sending a gift of love from Red Mountain Riding Center in Kibbutz Grofit, Southern Israel. This included pencils, hats, toy horses, and so many other goodies! From South Israel to South India, love grows on the Spice Road.

Love Covers out of Agape Church:

“Love Covers” is a beautiful group who sew items- everything from pillow cases, to dresses, to dolls, to blankets- if they can imagine it- they can sew it! Then this wonderful group prays over the items they’ve made, and sends them all over the world! You can be assured that every thread sewn is woven with love and heavily prayed for. Here in the picture below you can see they have given us more pillow cases, women's soft back packs for the teachers, and precious dolls for classroom "calming spots". We are so grateful! To date, this group has helped send care packages to more than a dozen nations, including hospital NIC units and orphanages in several countries.

ROG Ministries & Jessie Ford:

Thank you ROG Ministries & Jessie Ford for LOTS of gifts and goodies! Reality of the Gospel Ministries has such a heart for world missions. I have ministered alongside Leonard and Jessie & it's been such a blessing in my life not only as fellow ministers, but also as dear friends. Their encouragement, their compassion, and their passion for the Word of God and the good news of the Gospel to be spread throughout the world has been an incredible thing to witness! I count it such a blessing to have them among our "senders".

Commission Field Partners:

Last, but certainly not least, we are so grateful for every single one of our Commission Field partners.

From every contribution, whether it be financial, material, words of encouragement, sharing with others about what we are doing here at Commission Fields, in prayer, and in many sacrificial offerings -- we are endlessly grateful that you have chosen to partner with us. Thank you for pouring out your love on the Spice Road. This new journey has been made so joyful through co-missioning with all of you!

Thank you! Thank you for sending us, and for sending us abundantly BLESSED! May all you've sown bring Ceiling-Breaking blessings your way!

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